Join me for cappucinno and croissant

Tabletop Cappucinno & Croissant gets a slight makeover!

Dear Art Blog Friends

Today I’ve been having a tidy on my art website blog. Image of the month (that’s the closest you’ll get to art pornography, by the way – I can assure you!) usually changes at the beginning of each month, however, for October I’ve gone a little further and made a few other changes.

So why not join me over a cappucinno and croissant to see what I’ve done? Breeze by, browse, or surf for longer. Especial thanks to all my art followers through Google + where views have almost topped the 1500 marker.

Thanks to all fellow CP artists, customers and art enthusiasts for keeping the creative dream and my hearty arty blog alive!

Enjoy your weekend with your families, loved ones and friends.

Best Wishes