Palindrome Friday

Dear Art Blog Friends

It seems like a special day today. Not only is the sun shining in West Yorkshire, but the date has a palindromic meaning.

noun – a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward, as Madam, I’m Adam or Poor Dan is in a droop (, 2015). Circa 1620-30, it has Greek origin – palíndromos recurring, equivalent to pálin again, back + -dromos running”

It’s feasible to link palindromes to art forms which are symmetrical in shape, however, for the more astute and pedantic amongst us, it could be argued that today is not a true palindrome (ie 15/05/2015 only works as a palindrome if abbreviated to 15/5/15) and if it were to be symmetrical, we would need to travel back in time to 1951.

What I’m trying to say is that life is special and most people feel particularly better on these days, or when they see a full moon, hear the birds singing or watch the sunset. If today you start a drawing or painting, be it symmetrical, palindromic, otherwise, or indeed today you finish a piece of artwork, DO record how good you feel about the achievement and I wish you every success with that creative piece today and always.

Have a good weekend.

Best Wishes